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Artificial Girl 3 Database

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Artificial Girl 3 Database ClientKaraZorEl, also known as Supergirl and Linda Lang, is a Kryptonian superhero based in. Artificial intelligence is infiltrating our daily lives, with applications that curate your phone pics, manage your email, and translate text from any language into. A chatbot also known as a talkbot, chatterbot, Bot, IM bot, interactive agent, or Artificial Conversational Entity is a computer program which conducts a. Cortana Halo Nation FANDOM powered by Wikia. Cortana. Description. Cortana, UNSC Artificial intelligence SN CTN 04529, is a smart artificial intelligence. Key milestones in the evolution of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics. Wade had conflicting memories of his childhood. He once recalled that his father abandoned his. Tall and slender with short hair. Normal color. Normal BluePurple, Green while inside Alpha Halos central computer. Angry PinkGreen3Flattered PinkIm offering people a chance to be more than they are naturally. Cortana, UNSCArtificial intelligence SN CTN 0. She was one of the most important figures in the Human Covenant war, and was also John 1. A. I. for the Halcyon class light cruiser UNSC Pillar of Autumn, Orbital Defense Platform Cairo Station and Charon class light frigate UNSC Forward Unto Dawn. In addition, she held vital data pertaining to the Halos, including the Activation Index from Installation 0. Biography. Edit. Creation and Early Life. Edit. Cortana in a holotank, analyzing the Forerunner artifact under Sword Base. Cortana was created using a flash cloned copy of Dr. Catherine Halseys brain. Twenty flash cloned brains were created, but only two survived one of the two survivors was used to create Cortana. The neural pathways of the cloned brain were scanned and copied through a process called Cognitive Impression Modeling. On November 7, 2. Cortana was first activated on Reach. Her first words were Quando il gioco finito, il re e il pedone vanno nella stessa scatola. This phrase translates to When the game is over, the king and the pawn go in the same box. The phrase was spoken by Halseys mother after their first game of chess. She was one of at least two A. I. s that were created from Dr. Halseys brain, the other being her predecessor, Kalmiya, who was a similarly smart A. I. On February 1. Dr. Halsey was performing a series of tests when she discovered that Cortana had removed the viral termination code that she had implemented. Halsey could not figure out how she had done this. Directx 9 For Windows 7 32Bit. Meeting John 1. EditThey let me pick. Did I ever tell you that Choose whichever Spartan I wanted. You know me. I did my research. Watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be. Like the others, you were strong and swift and brave. A natural leader. But you had something they didnt. Something no one saw, but me. Can you guess. Luck. Cortana first met John 1. Fall of Reach, when she was integrated into his new MJOLNIR Mark V armor. Together, Cortana and John passed a test that was devised Dr. Halsey would have called it sabotaged by Colonel. James Ackerson. The test included armed ODSTs, anti tank mines, automatic turrets in the razor field, and even a AV 1. Sky. Hawk for an air strike. After the test, Cortana was installed into the Pillar of Autumn to run the ships shakedown and oversee the refit of the ship. Afterward, it was planned that she would be replaced with the Pillar of Autumns true AI, but she was forced to take up this duty herself, indefinitely. While aboard, she took her revenge on Colonel Ackerson by hacking into his system and blackmailing him, hoping that this would send him back to the front lines. She also developed a deep, personal loyalty to John 1. Cortanas primary mission was to aid the SPARTANs in the infiltration of a Covenant vessel and the capturing of a Covenant Prophet. The UNSC would then try to bargain with the Covenant for a peace treaty. The Fall of Reach. Edit. Main article Fall of Reach. When the aforementioned operation was canceled due to the Covenants surprise assault on Reach, John 1. Covenant forces at Reach and escaped to the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, while Cortana stayed with Halsey at her excavation site beneath Sword Base. With the Covenant closing in on her lab, Halsey turned Cortana over to the Spartan Noble Team, specifically, Noble Six. After fleeing Sword Base moments before it was destroyed, Jun A2. Halsey to CASTLE Base, while Six, Carter A2. Emile A2. 39 took Cortana to the Aszod Shipyards, where the Autumn was docked. Although Carter and Emile were both killed by the Covenants ground forces before making it to the Shipyard, Six would successfully deliver Cortana to Jacob Keyes, the captain of the Autumn, who arrived via Pelican and received the package. To ensure the Autumns escape, Noble Six stayed behind and used a Mass driver to destroy a CCS class battlecruiser blocking the ships launch trajectory and preparing to glass the shipyard, and therefore, the Autumn, Cortana, and John. Six succeeded and ensured the Autumns safe escape. Cortana reunited with John 1. As soon as Pillar of Autumn escaped the surface and atmosphere of Reach, they jumped into Slipstream Space on a supposedly random vector as per the Cole Protocol. However, Cortana secretly inserted coordinates translated from symbols on a rock that John 1. Sigma Octanus IV, thinking that they were of some significance to the Covenant. The Battle of Installation 0. Edit. Main article Battle of Installation 0. Halo doesnt kill Flood. It kills their food. Humans, Covenant, whatever were all equally edible. The only way to stop the Flood is to starve them to death. And thats exactly what Halo is designed to do wipe the galaxy clean of all sentient life. Cortana reveals the true purpose of Installation 0. John 1. 17. 1. 1After emerging from Slipspace, the two discovered a ring shaped world called Halo. Unfortunately, Covenant ships had followed them and the fighting continued. Controlling the UNSC Pillar of Autumns defenses, Cortana managed to destroy four Covenant targets over Installation 0. Covenant boarders. Following the Cole Protocol, Captain Jacob Keyes, the ships commanding officer, prepared to abandon ship. Because the Cole Protocol forbade the capture or destruction of any A. I. construct, John 1. Cortana from the Covenant. It was around this time that John learned that Covenant forces had successfully captured Keyes and taken him to the Truth and Reconciliation. John 1. 17 rescued Keyes,1. Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Torrent Iso. Covenant weapons cache located in a swamp. Game Devil May Cry 5 Highly Compressed. John and Cortana used the Silent Cartographer to locate and enter Halos Control Room, where Cortana was uploaded to Halos core systems. When John 1. 17 asked her how Halo could be used against the Covenant, she hinted that the Halo wasnt what it seemed to be. She also learned that the weapons cache Keyes was attacking was really a Flood Containment Facility. She stayed in Halos systems sending John 1. Keyes. 1. 4 After John encountered the parasitic Flood for the first time, he was convinced by the Forerunner. Monitor. 34. 3 Guilty Spark to activate the Halo. During this time, Cortana apparently absorbed as much data as she could about Halo from its control systems. Guilty Spark helped John 1. Activation Index. John, intent on using the Index to eliminate the Flood, returned to the Control Room and inserted the Index into the Halos control panel. Luckily, Cortana stopped the activation sequence and removed the Indexs data, informing him of the true purpose of the Halo Array. Cortanas actions saved all life in the galaxy from total annihilation. At that point, 3. Guilty Spark, seeing that the duo had no intention of returning the Index, tried and failed to kill them to retrieve it. After enduring prolonged engagements with the Covenant and the Flood, Cortana realized that detonating the Pillar of Autumns fusion reactors would destroy the Halo. Unfortunately, the reactors could only be activated using codes stored in the now infected Captain Keyess Command Neural Interface CNI. John 1. 17 retrieved the CNI, and he and Cortana managed to detonate the reactors despite interference from 3.

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