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Importance of human resource development Recruitment, training, career advancement, position classification, discipline, performance appraisal, promotion, pay and service conditions employer employee relations, grievance redressal mechanism Code of conduct Administrative ethics. Click on JOIN THIS SITE to get instant updates on new posts on this blog. And also for INTERACTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS regarding this blogs posts JOIN ITS FACEBOOK COMMUNITYGROUP that is mentioned on the right hand side of this page. Today we are to discuss Personnel Administration which is a very important aspect of Public Administration as well as Private Administration,in fact it is the very backbone. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT  CONCEPT, MEANING IMPORTANCE OF ITS DEVELOPMENT. Personnel Administration is also popularly known as Human Resources Management. Just as people of a country are its whole and sole the same way personnel employees are for an organisation to make it successful. However, manpowerraw labourpeople who are able to do work itself does not contribute to the successdevelopment of the organisation,it has to be converted into human resources through systematic planning,adequate training and proper education. Human resource is converted to human capital through adequate administration and human resources are the most important and valuable asset and part of an organisation as over time their value never depreciates,in fact it only increases with the passage of time unlike other assets and resources of an organisation. Adequate usage of human resourcespersonnel automatically ensures optimum utilisation of financial,physical and technological resources. With the emergence of democratic institutions and the welfare state,government as well as corporates tasks are on a steep increase and so there is an increased demand for personnel at every level in terms of efficient discharge of their duties,and it is the job of the Personnel Administration department to assure that this demand is met at the right time with the suitable candidates. Bsnl Training Report Pdf' title='Bsnl Training Report Pdf' />Personnel Administration does not have a standard definition but still there is unanimity among writers on one that is as put by Flippo Personnel function is concerned with the procurement,development,compensation,integration and maintenance of the personnel and their inter relationships in an organisation for the purpose of contributing toward the accomplishment of that organisations major goals and objectives. Thus,Personnel Administration deals with recruitment,placement,training,disciplinary measures,curbing nepotism and favouritism,monetary and non monetary incentives and retirement benefits of the personnel within an organisation as well as handle the nature of personnel relationships in the organisation as well as assisting the top management in negotiating with labour unions. Personnel administration also includes all those activities and functions relating to policy formulation,planning,policy implementation,social change and modernisation,administrative reforms and public relations in an organisation. Personnel Administration is affected by the socio economic political environment as well. For example,in the era of welfare and developmental programmes,personnelemployees are now expected to be more efficient,effective,sympathetic and competent. Peoples involvement in administration is also increasing via NGOs,NPOs,Civil Society and other policies and programmes of the government. Personnel are to perform line and staff functions,line functions refer to those activities related to the primary activity of the organisation and the staff functions are those which facilitate and assist the performance of line work. Like staff perform the functions of processing and supplying required number of personnel and training and development of personnel whereas those personnel perform the field and executory works of the organisations goals and objectives. It is not a simple area of management in todays times as Personnel managementadministration has to keep the motivation and morale of the personnel high every time for them to whole heartedly perform the humongous tasks they have at hand efficiently and competently as well as sympathetically. Nominations fot he training of the Liaison Officers for SCSTPerson with Disabilities and Other Backward Classesregarding. Thus we can see that without an efficient personnel managementadministration or more popularly as it is called Human Resources management contributing to Human ResourcesPersonnel Development, it is impossible to achieve organisational goals and become a successful organisation. EVOLUTION AND THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Though the concept and theory of Personnel Administration has its germination in the West,in India the scene developed via motivation by governmental efforts and managerial preoccupation with welfare concept and frustration with unsystematic recruitment practices,loss making Public Service Undertakings,growing labour unrest,loss of production,etc. It led to establishments of posts like Labour Welfare OfficerPersonnel Officer in public as well as private organisations that have evolved over time since the early 1. Taylors Scientific Management was the foundation stone for the development of this field through his principle of scientific selection and systematic training and development of the worker and Gantt later emphasised on it by adding that together with the above there was also a need for obtaining the willing cooperation of the worker. The same was also emphasised by M. Objective The SEWA BSNL wish to remind our members that all our constitutionally guaranteed provisions are not implemented fully as the BSNL management is against it. International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment ICEVI is a global association of individuals and organizations that promotes equal access to. Services by Government or a local authority excluding the following services i services by the Department of Posts by way of speed post, express parcel post. Personnel Administration Importance of human resource development Recruitment, training, career advancement, position classification, discipline. Bsnl Training Report Pdf' title='Bsnl Training Report Pdf' />P Follett. The biggest watershed came with the advent of the Human Relations revolution which made the studytheory of this field interdisciplinary by integrating sociology,psychology,industrial psychology,social psychology,etc that brought in the approach of motivation and morale. Also a lot of events led to its growth in the practical sense like the shortage of labour and labour issues during the world wars,the Great Depression of 1. FUNCTIONS OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1 MANPOWER PLANNING Before the process of Recruitment begins,Manpower Planning precedes it. Now first lets understand what is Manpower Planning. Keepvid Codec. Manpower planning as one of the functions of Personnel Administration is of utmost importance. It is the process of assessment of an organisations requirements in terms of number of personnel needed for a job,job definitiondescription,skills and specialisation it incorporates,duration for which the personnel is required,nature of work,objectives of the job in line with the objectives and goals of the organisation,etc. It is a sound manpower planning that gives adequate time for recruitment,selection and training of such personnel,in short it lays down a full blueprintchart of processes to follow and the time period it should follow. RECRUITMENT Once Manpower Planning is done,the process of recruitment begins. Recruitment is the process that entails the search for prospective workers and stimulating them to apply for the jobs put up by the personnel administration on behalf of the organisation. It is based on selection of the best principle where a number applicants are invited for a single job opening and then the unwanted are eliminated selecting the one for the job who suits all the prerequisites suitably.

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