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Microsoft Wpf Tools

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WPF Interview Questions And Answers. Question 1 What is WPF Answer WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation. WPF Chart, Winform Webform. Net Chart, ActiveX Chart, C Charting Component Library, for C, MFC, VB. Ideal for Financial, Engineering, Science, Business, RealTime. This post describes the new WPF and accessibility features and improvements in. NET Framework 4. 7. You can try out these features by downloading the. First lets define what we mean when we say Diagnostic Tools in Visual Studio. Diagnostic tools means different things to different people, and. Technical articles, content and resources for IT Professionals working in Microsoft technologies. MSDN Magazine Issues and Downloads. Read the magazine online, download a formatted digital version of each issue, or grab sample code and apps. Royalty free Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet component for the Microsoft. NET Framework featuring the fastest and most complete Excel compatible calculation. Its a re invention of a UI for Desktop applications using WPF. Apart from dropping controls on Windows Forms just as developers have been doing for years, WPF provides an extra rapid boost to the application development including Rich User Interface, Animation and much more. Dell Inspiron 1545 Dvd Drive Replacement here. In a nutshell the following things can be done using WPF Draw normal controls and graphics. Can easily loadplay audio and video files. Can provide smooth graphical effects such as drop shadows and color gradients. Can use shared styles which can be used across the same controls to provide the same theme, skin and design. Transforming objects including shapes, controls and video. This topic describes the features of the XAML language and demonstrates how you can use XAML to write Windows Presentation Foundation WPF applications. This topic. ClearType is Microsofts implementation of subpixel rendering technology in rendering text in a font system. ClearType attempts to improve the appearance of text on. Ive come across something called Prism a lot recently. Microsoft, who run the project, describe it as Guidelines for composite applications in WPF and Silverlight. Can create and animate 3. D graphics. Can easily draw vector graphics that scale without jagged aliasing. Advantages Tight multimedia integration Resolution independence Hardware acceleration See for more detail Question 2 What is Content Alignment in WPFPrism library promotes flexible and maintainable apps for Windows Store, WPF, and Silverlight using MVVM and Event Aggregation. Library Management System Project In C Ppt on this page. Includes source and docs. Answer The content of content controls in WPF is dealt using various properties. These two properties are Horizontal. Content. Alignment and Vertical. Content. Alignment. These properties are defined in the System. Windows. Controls. Control class that is the parent class of all controls in WPF. If we create a UI with a Button and a Text. Box control, the UI looks like the following figure where the default vertical and horizontal alignment of content of a Button is center. The default vertical and horizontal alignment of content of a Text. Box is left and top. You want to set the contents of the Button and Text. Box to bottom and right. The code sets Vertical. Content. Alignment and Horizontal. Content. Alignmentproperties to bottom and right. Grid NameStack. Panel. BackgroundLight. Gray      lt Button NameButton. BackgroundLight. Blue Height4. ContentClick Me Margin2. Vertical. AlignmentTop Font. Size1. 6 Font. WeightBold Vertical. Content. AlignmentBottom Horizontal. Content. AlignmentRight       lt Text. Box Height5. 0 Margin2. Nametext. Box. 1 Vertical. AlignmentTop TextI am a Text. Box Font. Size1. Vertical. Content. AlignmentBottom Horizontal. Content. AlignmentRight    lt Grid  Output that looks as in Figure See for more details Question 3 What are Resources in WPF Answer Windows Presentation Foundation WPF resources provide a simple way to reuse commonly defined objects and values. Resources in WPF allow you to set the properties of multiple controls at a time. For example, you can set the background property on several elements in a WPF application using a single resource. The best way of defining the resources is on a Window or Page element level. Any resource that you define for an element also applies to their child elements of that element. For example, if you define a resource for a Window element that has a Grid as a child element, then the resources defined for the window elements can also be used by the grid element. However, if you define a resource for the grid element, then the resource applies only to the child elements of the grid element. Syntax for resources in WPF,lt element. Name property. Namemarkup. Extension key. Name lt Content lt element. Name Where,element. Name Name of the element that uses the resource. Name Name of the property that takes its value from the resource. Extension Define type of resource. Name key name of the resource, which is unique string to identify the resource. There are two types of resource, namely, Static Resource. Dynamic Resource. See for more details Question 4 What are static and dynamic resources Answer There are two types of resource, namely,Static Resource. Dynamic Resource. Lets see basics of both resources,Static Resource. We should use the Static. Resource markup extension to define the resource as a static resource. The value of Static. Resource is determined at the time of loading. Lets have a sample program, Add the below code snippet in Window. Grid. lt Grid. Resources     lt Solid. Color. Brush x Keylblbgcolor ColorBlue  lt Grid. Resources  lt Label Namelbl Margin7. Arthur C Clarke Profiles Of The Future Pdf. BackgroundStatic. Resourcelblbgcolor Height4. Above code, Grid control uses the Resources property to define resource. Solid. Color. Brush resource named lblbgcolor defined. Dynamic Resource. Dynamic Resource we use in a situation where we want to change the value of property at run time. Lets have a sample program, Add the following code snippet in Window. Window element. lt Window. Resources     lt Solid. Color. Brush x Keybrush ColorRed   lt Window. Resources  lt Button x Namebtn ContentClick Me ClickButtonClick BackgroundDynamic. Resource brush Height1. Width1. 00   Open code behind and add the following code snippet. ButtonClickobject sender, Routed. Event. Args e       this. Set. Resource. ReferenceBackground. Property, brush    In the above code, Window control uses the Resources property to define resource. Solid. Color. Brush resource named brush defined. Brush resource is used to set the background property of button. See for more details Question 5 What is value convertor in WPFAnswer A Value Converter functions as a bridge between a target and a source and it is necessary when a target is bound with one source, for instance you have a text box and a button control. You want to enable or disable the button control when the text of the text box is filled or null. In this case you need to convert the string data to Boolean. This is possible using a Value Converter. To implement Value Converters, there is the requirement to inherit from I Value Converter in the System. Windows. Data namespace and implement the two methods Convert and Convert Back. Note In WPF, Binding helps to flow the data between the two WPF objects. The bound object that emits the data is called the Source and the other that accepts the data is called the Target. Example using System  using System. Collections. Generic  using System. Linq  using System. Text  using System. Threading. Tasks  using System. Windows. Data  namespace Value. Converters        public class Value. Converter IValue. Converter                public object Convertobject value, Type target. Type, object parameter, System. Globalization. Culture. Info culture                        bool isenable  true              if string. Is. Null. Or. Emptyvalue. To. String                                isenable  false                            return isenable                    public object Convert. Backobject value, Type target. Type, object parameter, System. Globalization. Culture. Info culture                        throw new Not. Implemented. Exception                     See for more details Question 6 What is MVVM Answer MVVM Model View View. Model is a framework for making applications in WPF. MVVM is the same as the MVC framework. It is a 3 tier architecture plus one more layer. We can do loose coupling using MVVM. MVVM was introduced by John Gossman in 2. WPF as a concrete application of Martin Fowlers broader Presentation Model pattern. The implementation of an application, based on the MVVM patterns, uses various platform capabilities that are available in some form for WPF, Silverlight Desktopweb, and on Windows.

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