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Protractor Tool

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The Craftsman 2 X 42inch belt sander is a very good general purpose belt sander. With its 12 HP motor it can handle most light duty work in the shop. More than 850 topics articles, problems, puzzles in geometry, most accompanied by interactive Java illustrations and simulations. Power House Tool, Inc. Outages and Turnarounds. Angles. Use as a demonstration tool to aid the use of a protractor and test your angle estimation skills. Angle Measurement IWB resource for the interactive whiteboard. How to Make a Pie Chart 1. Steps with Pictures1. Calculate Pie Chart Proportions. Gather your numerical data and label information and write it down with one data point per line, in descending order. Royal Organizer Operating Manual. Add the data all together calculate the total. This number will be your denominator. Calculate the percentage of the total for each data point by dividing each one by the denominator total calculated above. Calculate the angle between the two sides of each pie slice. To do this, multiply each percentage still in decimal form by 3. The logic behind this is that there are 3. If you know that 1. Check your work. Add up the number of degrees you calculated for each data point. They should total 3. If not, youve missed something and should double check your work. Use a mathematical compass to draw a circle. To draw a pie chart accurately, you need to start with a perfect circle. This can be done using a compass and a protractor to measure the angles. If you dont have a compass, try tracing around a circle template, using something round such as a lid or a CD. Draw the radius. Start in the exact center of the circle and draw a straight line to the outside of the circle. F-22 Total Air War. Protractor Tool AutomationProtractor ToolHint make a dot with the compass to find the center. The straight line can be vertical 1. The segments you create then follow either a clockwise or counter clockwise sequence. Place your protractor on the circle. Position it on the circle so that the 9. The zero point should be vertically aligned along the vertical plot line. Draw each section division. Draw the sections by marking the first division against the edge of the protractor at the correct angle, using the angle formulations you got in the earlier step. Each time you add a section, the radius changes to the line you just drew rotate your protractor accordingly. When marking the angle lines, make sure they are sharp and fine, to keep them clear and easy to see. Color each segment. You can use color, patterns or just words, depending on what meets your purpose best. Add the name of each section and the percent it represents in the chart. Color each section of the pie chart a different colorpattern to easily visualize the results. If you drew everything in pencil first, always ink in the circle before coloring in any of the segments. This is because the circle is the trickiest part to draw accurately. Labels or words added to each segment should be written horizontally and centered the same visual distance from the edge for each segment. This makes them easier to read.

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