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Java Database Best Practices Pdf

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The size of a project or program has a significant effect on error rates, programmer productivity, and the amount of management needed. Software qualityeditAs listed below, there are many attributes associated with good software. Some of these can be mutually contradictory e. Weinberg provides an example of how different goals can have a dramatic effect on both effort required and efficiency. Furthermore, he notes that programmers will generally aim to achieve any explicit goals which may be set, probably at the expense of any other quality attributes. Sommerville has identified four generalised attributes which are not concerned with what a program does, but how well the program does it 5Weinberg has identified four targets which a good program should meet 6Does a program meet its specification correct output for each possible input Is the program produced on schedule and within budget How adaptable is the program to cope with changing requirementsIve been involved in a few SAP HANA projects where performance has been initially disappointing, and I have been asked to come and show the customer HANA speed. As. Java Database Best Practices PdfIs the program efficient enough for the environment in which it is used Hoare has identified seventeen objectives related to software quality, including 7Clear definition of purpose. Simplicity of use. Ruggedness difficult to misuse, kind to errors. Early availability delivered on time when needed. Reliability. Extensibility in the light of experience. Brevity. Efficiency fast enough for the purpose to which it is put. Minimum cost to develop. Conformity to any relevant standards. Clear, accurate, and precise user documents. PrerequisiteseditBefore coding starts, it is important to ensure that all necessary prerequisites have been completed or have at least progressed far enough to provide a solid foundation for coding. If the various prerequisites are not satisfied then the software is likely to be unsatisfactory, even if it is completed. From Meek Heath What happens before one gets to the coding stage is often of crucial importance to the success of the project. The prerequisites outlined below cover such matters as how is development structured For small simple projects involving only one person, it may be feasible to combine architecture with design and adopt a very simple life cycle. Life cycleeditA software development methodology is a framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the life cycle of a software product. Common methodologies include waterfall, prototyping, iterative and incremental development, spiral development, agile software development, rapid application development, and extreme programming. The waterfall model is a sequential development approach in particular, it assumes that the requirements can be completely defined at the start of a project. However, Mc. Connell quotes three studies which indicate that, on average, requirements change by around 2. The other methodologies mentioned above all attempt to reduce the impact of such requirement changes, often by some form of step wise, incremental, or iterative approach. Different methodologies may be appropriate for different development environments. RequirementseditMc. Connell states The first prerequisite you need to fulfill before beginning construction is a clear statement of the problem the system is supposed to solve. Meek and Heath emphasise that a clear, complete, precise, and unambiguous written specification is the target to aim for. Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010, and since that time Oracles hardware and software engineers have worked sidebyside to build fully integrated systems and. Note that it may not be possible to achieve this target, and the target is likely to change anyway as mentioned in the previous section. Sommerville distinguishes between less detailed user requirements and more detailed system requirements. He also distinguishes between functional requirements e. ArchitectureeditHoare points out there are two ways of constructing a software design one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult. Software architecture is concerned with deciding what has to be done, and which program component is going to do it how something is done is left to the detailed design phase, below. This is particularly important when a software system contains more than one program since it effectively defines the interface between these various programs. It should include some consideration of any user interfaces as well, without going into excessive detail. Any non functional system requirements response time, reliability, maintainability, etc. The software architecture is also of interest to various stakeholders sponsors, end users, etc. The main purpose of design is to fill in the details which have been glossed over in the architectural design. The intention is that the design should be detailed enough to provide a good guide for actual coding, including details of any particular algorithms to be used. For example, at the architectural level, it may have been noted that some data has to be sorted, while at the design level it is necessary to decide which sorting algorithm is to be used. As a further example, if an object oriented approach is being used, then the details of the objects must be determined attributes and methods. Choice of programming languageseditMayer states No programming language is perfect. There is not even a single best language there are only languages well suited or perhaps poorly suited for particular purposes. Understanding the problem and associated programming requirements is necessary for choosing the language best suited for the solution. From Meek Heath The essence of the art of choosing a language is to start with the problem, decide what its requirements are, and their relative importance since it will probably be impossible to satisfy them all equally well. The available languages should then be measured against the list of requirements, and the most suitable or least unsatisfactory chosen. It is possible that different programming languages may be appropriate for different aspects of the problem. If the languages or their compilers permit, it may be feasible to mix routines written in different languages within the same program. Even if there is no choice as to which programming language is to be used, Mc. Connell provides some advice Every programming language has strengths and weaknesses. Be aware of the specific strengths and weaknesses of the language youre using. Coding standardseditThis section is also really a prerequisite to coding, as Mc. Connell points out Establish programming conventions before you begin programming. Its nearly impossible to change code to match them later.

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