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Totally Weird And Wonderful Words

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Ben Jerrys top 10 weirdest of the weird flavors. When it comes to ice cream innovation, all flavors are not created equal. Words Bizarre, Obsolete, Odd, Outdated Weird Cartoon Fun Updated 41. Brownielocks and The 3 Bears present. Cartoon Fun and. Check our listing below to understand the. Every generation creates its own terms. So, as our world. Below are some words that have either been. They all look and sound a bit weird. AAbatude. Means money thats been clipped. In the old days, the edges of gold or silver. So the entire image would not be. Barkovich Pediatric Neuroimaging'>Barkovich Pediatric Neuroimaging. Think on todays term with  a quarter having a nip out the. Abligurition. Spending just an inconceivably large amount of money on food. Abnormous. Misshapen. Absquatulate. To make off hurriedly decamp abscond. Acrasia. Lack of self control when you act against your better judgment. Accismus. When you pretend to be not interested in something or someone, when you really. Agamous. To be unmarried. Agelast. A person who never laughs. Agiotage. A stock term that means the manipulating by speculations the raising and. Aglet. The ornamental end of a shoelace. Agliff. A verb meaning frightened. Agonistarch. A person who trained combatants for games. Agonous. Struggling. Agowilt. Sudden fear sickening fear. Alexiteric. Adjective meaning to ward off a contagion or having the properties of an. Totally Weird And Wonderful Words' title='Totally Weird And Wonderful Words' />From a Greek word meaning protection. Alogotrophy. Means excessive nutrition to any one part of the body resulting in deformity. From Greek word meaning unreasonable nourishment. Anabiosis. A return to life after death or apparent death. Anagnorisis. The moment of recognition or discovery in a play, movie, etc. Ananym. A name that is formed by reversing the letters of another name. Example is. Oprah and Harpo. Anglewitch. Obsolete word meaning a worm used as bait in fishing. Anopisthograph. Anything that has writing on just one side of it usually paper,Antapology. A reply to an apology good or bad. PjECPUyYy_uoyvw_wyYp7geF' alt='Totally Weird And Wonderful Words' title='Totally Weird And Wonderful Words' />Antonomasia. When a trademark is used as a generic term. An example is using Kleenex to. Bringing you weird stuff you wont believe exsists. Weird and inspiring people, pictures that seem Photoshopped but arent and other head scratching oddities. The Sophisticated as Hell trope as used in popular culture. Language is linear. Use and context establish tone, with an expectation for its continuation. Xerox to refer to all copied documents. This is more of. a legal term, than a social one. Apocrisiary. A person appointed to give answers. From the Greek word meaning. Aprosexia. An abnormal inability to pay attention, characterized by. Opposite is hyperprosexia, meaning to. Argute. Ajective that means shrewd. Ascesis. The practice of self discipline. From the Greek word meaning to. Aspectabund. Adjective that means you have an expressive face. Aspherterism. A belief that there should be no private property. This is a synonym for. From the Greek work meaning, Nothing of ones own. Aucupate. A verb meaning to go bird watching. Figuratively it can mean to lie in. Comes from Latin meaning bird catch. Autochthon. The name of a human being born from the soil where he or she lives. Today we. call this person a hometown boy or a homeboy. From the Greek word thatmeans. Autophoby. The fear of referring to yourself. The fear of using the pronouns. Starter 4 1 Siemens Center more. I or Me. A good example is Elmo of Sesame Street. Totally Weird And Wonderful Words' title='Totally Weird And Wonderful Words' />He never says those pronouns Autoschediastic. Done on the spur of the moment or improvised. Avatrol. A bastard. Avoy An expression of fear surprise. BBablatrice. A female babbler. Chaterestre is another name for talkative. And, leighster is a female liar. Badot. Means silly. Baithe. To agree or consent. Balbutiate. To stutter or stammer. Bangstry. Masterful violence. Barla fumble. A wrestling term which means to call for a time out while playing. Barnumize. To advertise or promote with outlandish claims. Think of P. T. Barnum. Batie bummil. A useless bungler. Obsolete Scottish word. Batta. Extra pay overtime wages. Battologist. Someone who repeats the same thing needlessly. Beldam. Originally it meant a grandmother. But this has now evolved to mean any old. Bematist. An official road surveyor in the time of Alexander the Great. It comes from the Greek word meaning to measure by paces. Bever. A snack between meals. Blaguer. A person who talks pretentiously. Blandiose. Adjective describing something that wants to be grand or has pretentious. Blesiloquent. To speak with a lisp or a stammer. Blive. Means immediately or right away. I guess this is like chop. Instead its bliveBloncket. Refers to a color thats gray or a light, blue ish gray. Blottesque. A painting style that is defined as having heavy brushstrokes or blots, which. Bloviate. To speak in a pompous or overbearing way. Boeotian. Dull as in personalityBogglish. To be uncertain, doubtful or a wee bit skittish about something. Bombilation. A sound that is like a droning, buzzing or humming. Borborygmus. A rumbling in the lower intestines. Bouquinist. A person who deals in second hand books. Today, wed call him a Used. Book Salesman. Brume. A poetic term meaning mist or fog. Bubulcitate. It means to cry like a cowboy whatever that is suppose to meanBucculent. Wide mouthed. Bullimong. Cattle feed that consists of many grains all mixed up. Bumbledom. Behavior such as pettiness, fussiness, pomposity, arrogance and inefficiency. CCalamistrate. Means to curl the hair. From the Latin word meaning curling iron. Callipygian. Adjective meaning having shapely buttocks. Camorra. A secret society usually one thats breaking the law somehow. Canossa. A place of humiliation to humble or humiliate oneself, to eat humble. The usage is like telling someone to go to Canossa. Campaniform. Means to be bell shaped. Capilotade. A story thats hashed together. Carriwitchet. A pun or conundrum. Catoptromancy. Foretelling the future divination. A oneiromancy, means a divination. And, chiromancy is a divination from the lines on ones. Cereologist. A person who specializes in investigating crop circles. Chadband. A person who is unctuous and hypocritical. Chantage. Blackmail. Chaston. A jewelry term that means the part of the ring that holds the stone. Chevisance. To acquire money by pawning something. Chiliad. Consisting of a thousand things, a thousand years, etc. Chirocracy. Means government by physical force. Chirography. The art of handwriting. Choller. A double chin or the hanging lip of a hound dog. Claque. A group of people hired to applaud. Cockyolly bird. Expression meaning dear little bird used either about birds or. Society Ethics And Technology 5Th Edition Torrent'>Society Ethics And Technology 5Th Edition Torrent. A variant of the term dicky bird. Codology. An Irish word meaning joculary or leg pulling. Cod is an Irish term for. A hoaxer is called a colologist. Coads nigs An expression of surprise. Concinnous. Neat and eloquent. Corrade. To gather together from many different sources to scrape together. Couthy. Means a warm and friendly person Scottish term. Or a place that is cozy. Cowin. Is tiny shellfish eaten straight from the shell using a hatpin. Crapulous. Relating to drunkenness or drinking of alcohol. Cromulent. Adjective meaning acceptable or legitimate. Cryptaesthesia. A supernormal perception such as telepathy or clairvoyance. Cultrivorous. To swallow or pretend to be swallowing knives. Cumber ground. Someone who takes up space. Cunctipotent. Having all things. It is the same thing as our word omnipotent today. Curwhibble. A thing a ma jig or a what ya ma callit DDactylonomy. Counting on your fingers. Dendrochronology. The art of tree ring dating. Deasil. Means clockwise or in the direction of the suns course. Considered by some. The opposite is widdershins. Deglutition. The act of swallowing. Deipnosophist. A master at the art of dining. Or, a good conservationist at meals.

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